Category: Construction -> Construction materials -> Glues
Country: All countries
 Xanthan Gum Pharmaceutical & Fine Chemical Grade
Pharmaceutical & Fine Chemical Grade Xanthan Gum can be used as thickner and stabilizer in toothpastes,cosmetics,oral care products,liquid pharmaceutical products,barium sulfate solutions as radiopaque media,antidiarrheal suspensions for veterinary application. Little consumption(0.1-0.2%)of xanthan gum can bring magic effectiveness,such as improving ointment-delamination,convenient for feeling & extrusion,helping products[...] Details...  CERASTICK is a white acrylic based adhesive specially developed for fixing ceramic tile to all internal walls and floors in dry or intermittently wet locations, e.g. domestic showers, kitchens and bathrooms.
It is formulated with supreme working characteristics such as open time, pot life and coverage, and reduces tile breakage and materials; accordingly, CERASTICK cuts installation time and labor costs compared to old traditional methods.
- Ready to use - no mixing required
-[...] Details...  UZIN MK 73 Klej do parkietu
Klej rozpuszczalnikowy na bazie żywic syntetycznych przeznaczony do klejenia parkietu. Gotowy do użycia, bardzo dobrze rozprowadza się po podłożu, zapewnia dobre wypełnienie, szybkowiążący, posiada właściwości twardoplastyczne i charakteryzuje się wysoką wytrzymałością na ścinanie.
klejenia mozaiki, parkietu tradycyjnego, parkietu lamelowego, warstwowego parkietu gotowego. Do stosowania w pomieszczeniach mieszkalnych i publicznych, wewnątrz budynków.[...] Details...  Urea.Formaldehyde.Glue Powder :
for chipboard ( Neopan),plywood & general wood working Industries, etc.
Urea Formaldehyde Glue Hardener.for wood Industries, etc.
all Prodacts Meets International Specifications : BS / ISO / DIN .[...] Details...  PVA wood glue & pvac emulsion
Function best in the bonding of paper and wood and are widely used in paperboard packaging, furniture used include wood veneer, edge gluing and general assembly.
Packing: 50kg / drum, l00ml / bottle, 125ml / bottle, 1l-200l / bottle.
Solid content: 25-50%[...] Details...  Sell:
Multi-purpose, ready-to-use construction-repair gluey mass. Made of silicate binding material and natural mineral stuff. Used for indoor application, for gluing of various articles, decorative elements to bricks, concrete, plaster, gypsum boards, calcium-silicate boards, wood, chip boards and other surfaces.
Suitable for gluing of heated floor, tile, mosaic, articles made of natural (granite, marble, sandstone, etc.) or artificial stone, stone mass, glass, ceramics, stone wool, wood, etc.[...] Details...  Monolithic Linings are getting more and more popular in various industrial furnace application due to its uniform jointless structure, flexibility of adopting intricate shapes and easy to apply properties. we offer a complete range of castables with various specification to suit industrial application and furnace environment.The broad classification of the range is
(1) High Temperature Castable
(2) High Strength Castable
(3) Insulating Castable.
Any tailormade[...] Details...  Thermal Insulation Mortar
This mortar is a patented product and is made from micro-glass spheres, cement, fibres, glues, etc., It is made ready for use by adding a certain amount of water and stirring the mixture at the work site.
It has good properties of thermal insulation, compressive resistance, cohesion and weathering resistance. It is fireproof and can withstand over 1,000 degrees C. The mortar does not accumulate heat as do most other thermal insulation materials available on the market[...] Details...  W swojej ofercie posiadamy kleje, płyny mocujące, silikony przeznaczone do montażu wykładzin dywanowych, PCV.[...] Details...  Produkty Loctite, Teroson są znane na całym świecie ze swojej skuteczności i niezawodności. W naszej ofercie produktów Loctite, Teroson posiadamy:
kleje błyskawiczne, żywice epoksydowe, kleje i uszczelnienia elastyczne, środki do zabezpieczania gwintów i osadzania łożysk, środki uszczelniające gwinty i połączenia rurowe, płynne uszczelnienia kołnierzowe,tworzywa naprawcze, smary, oleje, środki antykorozyjne.[...] Details...